Tag Archives: Ricardo Lim

Mr. and Mrs. Stag – Chapter FOUR – The First Time

A/N:  Wow! I just realized that in my attempt to wean myself from the show, as part of my preparation for life after the final episode of BCWMH, I was able to come up with this update within the week!  This is a record for me… at least for this story.  Hope this lightens your mood.  Kapit-bisig! 🙂

Chapter  FOUR

The First Time

Previously in Chapter THREE

          “So this is really more than physical attraction to you.

          “Brod, at our age? I’m sure you’ll agree with me that when we like someone, it’s more than physical attraction. As I have said, I have seen her in and out of court a number of times. I think we live in the same subdivision because I first saw her there.

          “You’re not certain but you did not find out if you live in the same subdivision? I thought you like her a lot? So anung nagyari kay Richard Lim? I thought you have moved on with life? Hindi ka na ba marunong dumiskarte?”


          “W-what? Brod, I get sleepless nights thinking about…things and… Now, I am really confused. There is something you are not telling me here. I do not even know why we are having this kind of conversation… it’s…crazy. Because even if I want to pursue her, I can’t! She is married, isn’t she?”


          Angelo pursed his lips and swallowed. Then, while looking at Richard, he nodded and said “Yes, she is legally married.




Richard was expecting the answer but was still disappointed when he heard Angelo’s confirmation. “So she is really married. That’s clear now, but I got more confused. You wanted me to meet her, so I am not so puzzled why you did not get upset when I admitted earlier that I like her.

           But you said you wanted me to meet someone special and you sounded like you wanted to make sure I’ll settle down later like you. If she’s legally married, then why? You’re practically even encouraging me to pursue her.


           “Look, I was hoping I wouldn’t need to go into details. But since nandito na tayo, here is a little information.

           Maya got involved with a guy when she was in law school. She was in her senior year then. Not long after her graduation, she got pregnant. That is another story. But to get to the bottom of it, they separated even before she gave birth.”  


          “What kind of a man would do that to the mother of his child? Why did he get her pregnant in the first place?”


          “As I said, that is another story. Sinayang niya si Maya. Napaka walang kwentang tao nung lalaking yun. I really don’t understand how and why Maya got involved with him in the first place. He was the one I was referring to earlier, na anak rin ng judge pero napakayabang, akala mo kung sino eh hindi pa nga pumapasa ng bar. Magaling lang pala umasta pero walang paninindigan.”  


          “So why is Maya still a dela Rosa if she’s married?” Richard wanted to know.


          “Oh, when Maya filed her petition to take the bar examinations that year, she wasn’t married yet, so she uses her name as appearing in the roll of attorneys. She had the feeling that the marriage will not last daw so she didn’t bother filing another petition to correct her name when she got married.”

“Then why did she marry him if she felt that the marriage will fail?”


          “I guess nadala sa pressure. It was the bar review and she was probably thinking of the legitimacy of her child. Kaya she immediately accepted when marriage was offered.

           They’re legally married but they were never a married couple. Nakita ko yun. They stayed sa house after the wedding kasi nga mas pabor kay Maya kasi buntis siya. Naiistorbo si Maya sa review kasi inaaway sha lagi. He would come home late from parties. Tapos one weekend, he went home to his mother sa Parañaque then he never came back. He practically abandoned Maya.

          “She must be really one hell of a woman to have endured everything. She looks so stable.” Richard said, feeling sorry for Maya.


          “She is! Imagine the emotional turmoil she was experiencing while reviewing hanggang bar examinations. At yung tarantadong lalaking yun, ni hindi talaga nagpakita when Maya gave birth!”


          “What?! Sabi mo anak rin ng judge, kilala naman siguro ni Judge dela Rosa yung parents. Hindi niyo man lang hinanap?”


          “The father is a judge somewhere in a far flung region but his family is based in Parañaque. Stag, maniwala ka, yung nanay, walang ka breeding breeding. Sunod-sunuran pa sa anak. She tolerates him! Tinago pa nya yung gago nyang anak para hindi ma serve ang summons sa kanya when Maya filed a petition for annulment of marriage.”


         Richard was glad to hear about the petition for annulment. He wanted to satisfy his curiosity so he asked immediately. “S-so what happened to the annulment case?”


          “It’s already in the bag. Anytime lalabas na ang desisyon kasi malapit na matapos yung 90 day period to decide. May grounds naman kaya grantable. I just feel so relieved na maluwang na ngayon ang korte when it comes to annulment. Hindi tulad nung unang panahon marami ang nadedeny.”


          “Yeah, I remember the first casualties mga artista. Nagsi-file ng annulment mga na deny naman. Umabot pa ng Supreme Court, denied rin. Tsk tsk, tapos now it’s so easy. I guess kasi, mas nakikita na ng korte ngayon ang practical side of it.” Richard casually shared his thoughts, hoping Angelo will say more about the topic.


          “Pero napaka ugly ng proseso, emotionally draining. Nakaka awa si Maya. Lalo na when she testified. Mabuti na lang civil wedding lang sila.”


          “By that, I take it you mean that there is no need for church annulment kasi hindi pala sila sa simbahan kinasal?”

          “Stag ha, talagang interesado ka sa detalye noh?” Angelo noted how Richard probed further.

          “I ahh… I just want to make things clear so I have a better picture. Kasi kanina I couldn’t really understand where our conversation was go–” Richard tried to reason out but was cut off by Angelo.

“I just don’t like to go into too much details. Ayoko lang manggaling sa akin I might pre-empt something. But, yes, there is no need to undergo the church annulment. Yun pa naman ang mahirap makuha. I can’t imagine Maya going through the process again. Mabuti na lang talaga sa huwes lang sila nagpakasal. So once ma-grant ang civil annulment, Maya will be liberated from that marriage and she can finally move on.” Angelo said in a hopeful tone.

“She deserves to be liberated and happy after what she has been through. Importante magkaroon ng closure.” Richard said, still feeling sorry for Maya.

Angelo looked at Richard and said “You both deserve to be happy Stag. Tol, we grew up together and pareho tayong only child ng parents natin. So we’re like brothers. We’re family! Maya is very dear to me and so are you. Kaya I want to see both of you happy.”

“FYI Angelo, I am happy.” Richard said smiling, making sure he is convincing.

          “Sana nga you really see the importance of closure at talagang naka pag move on ka na rin from your past because you also deserve to be with someone. It’s been a while Stag. Lagi ka na lang nag-iisa in gatherings like this.”


          “Don’t I look happy? I am happy brod. Besides. you don’t have to be with someone in gatherings like this to have fun. Alam mo yan.”


          “Hahaha! Kasi kahit mag-isa ka dumadating, aalis ka ng may kasama? Ibang happiness naman yun Stag!


          “Sira! I didn’t mean that. Besides, hinahatid ko lang sila. Hahaha!

           But seriously, I had fun tonight, with you guys. Okay na ako dun. I’m happy that we’ve kept our friendship through the years. Hindi ko kailangan ng babae. Hahaha!”


          “But you could be happier! Ayaw mo na ba na permanent ang kasama mo pag uwi from parties? Yung alam mo that when you come home, may naghihintay sa iyo?”

Richard pursed his lips and decided not to answer. He knows that if he will, the conversation will go kilometric.

“Okay, I will not go into that if you do not want to talk about it. Pasalamat ka wala dito si Ryan. Otherwise, hindi ka titigilan nun.”


Richard still wanted a clearer picture of things, so he asked directly. “So why did you want me and Maya to meet?”  


         “You know, when I learned that you live in the same area as Maya, I only had friendship in mind. Then I realized, that I can become hopeful for more. Don’t get me wrong, hindi naman ako mamimilit. Okay na okay na ako kahit friendship lang.

           You see, she lives alone with her child. She does not go out with friends anymore kasi besides being a single parent, she lives far from her friends. Mabuti na nga lang she frequently attends gatherings like this. Pero yung sabihin mong constant companion or friend, wala eh. So she does not seem to enjoy life outside being a mother. Hindi katulad natin mga lalaki, pamilyado o hindi, we find justification to see each other often.

           At least, if you become friends, she’ll find a friend in you, she has someone she can trust na malapit sa kanya. Bonus pa kasi you can check on her once in a while for us. Madali na lang yun kasi ikaw ang malapit sa bahay niya.”


“Now I understand why she values time so much.” Richard said, recalling on how disappointed Maya was when trial was cancelled after coming to court prepared.


“Yes, to her, every moment counts. Time wasted at work is time that she could have spent for her child or for herself.” Angelo explained further.

“At least now we’re civil. I’m hopeful wala ng awkward moment kasi we had the chance kanina to talk about what happened sa kaso namin.”


Angelo was surprised but pleased with what Richard said. “Ahhh, nalusutan mo pala ako ha. So, that’s the Richard Lim I know, naka diskarte ka na pala kanina eh.”


          “Hahaha! I just felt I had to apologize properly and explain. So I didn’t let the chance pass earlier. Kaya lang, I don’t know how to become friends with her. You think we’ll get along? Uhm, you see, that embarrassing court encounter is not the first unpleasant one I had with her, and if she realizes that–”


“Aha! Nandito lang pala kayo, at nag so-solo! Mukhang serious pinag-uusapan at hindi ako kasali? Angelo kanina ka pa tinatawag sa loob. You need to offer a toast. Everybody’s waiting for you.” Ryan blurted out after suddenly appearing from nowhere.


“Is that so? Stag sandali ha.” Angelo stood from his seat and hurriedly ran towards the function hall.

Richard followed but was stopped by Ryan. He is one of the closest friends of Richard and has already figured out since their second court encounter with Maya, that Richard has a crush on her. He was also surprised to learn earlier that Maya is the niece of Angelo.


“ Not so fast Stag. You owe me one. Ano pinag-uusapan nyo ha? Or should I say, SINO pinag-uusapan nyo? Si Maya? Kwento naman jan!” Ryan tried to get information.


          “It’s a long story. Not now brod. I’ll tell you next time, pag tayo-tayo na lang. Baka biglang magyaya asawa mo eh. Tara! Let’s go back inside.” Richard knows he needed to think about some things before talking to Ryan so he can be discreet with what he’ll share with him. He wants to be careful with the information Angelo told him. Although the three of them are the closest among the group, Richard and Angelo are the real buddies.


          Angelo was almost finished with his speech when Richard and Ryan reached the function hall. “…. So again, thank you and cheers!”


          “CHEERS!” the crowd roared back. Angelo saw Richard and motioned him to wait. Richard nodded and followed where Angelo was looking before talking back to the crowd. “Let’s continue to party!”


          Richard watched Maya talk to her mother who was with her colleagues. Then he felt his mobile phone vibrating inside his pocket so he excused himself from Ryan. “Brod, sagutin ko lang to sa labas ha. Lakas na naman ng music eh.”


“Sige brod, puntahan ko rin si misis, sumesenyas na naman sumayaw eh.” Ryan tapped Richard’s shoulder.

          After a couple of minutes, Richard went to the valet service and requested for his car. “Manong pa intay na lang po sandali pag dumating po yung kotse ko ha. Balik po muna ako sa loob, para magpaalam.”


          “Sige po sir, ipapakuha ko na po ang sasakyan nyo.” the old man behind the service table said.

Even before Richard reached the entrance to the function hall, he already saw Angelo heading towards him.


          “Stag! Are you leaving? Sabay mo na si Maya pauwi.” Angelo said right away, like he was really in a hurry.


Tiny drops of cold sweat instantly formed at the lining of the forehead of a blushing Richard “You mean, she’s also leaving? As in n-now?”

Angelo noticed and teased his buddy. “Stag, mukhang malakas talaga ang tama mo sa pamangkin ko noh? Para ka talagang nasa high school being paired to your crush during a soiree. Ganyan na ganyan ka nuon eh. Hahaha!”

Already annoyed, Richard warned Angelo. “Brod, I came here to support your candidacy and then you do this to me. To be candid, after all the revelations tonight, she makes me more nervous now. So stop it please.”


Aware how Richard can be huffy-touchy, Angelo heeded his request at once. “Ang pikon mo talaga. Okay I’ll stop. Basta paki hatid mo na lang si Maya. Pinasundo ko lang kasi sa driver kanina kaya walang dalang sariling sasakyan”


Still feeling uneasy, Richard heeded the request. “Uhm…sige, sabay na kami umuwi.   Pinakuha ko na nga yung kotse eh.”


Sensing hesitation from Richard’s actuations, Angelo asked “Teka, ayaw mo ba? Who knows, it might be an opportunity to begin friendship.”


          “Bakit naman ako aayaw? Of course gusto ko. I just need to make a phone call.” Richard quickly replied and pulled out his mobile phone.

          “Ahhh, may lakad ka pa pa lang iba? Sino na namang babae yan, at hindi mo matanggihan, Richard.”


          Richard didn’t answer but motioned Angelo to wait as he heard the voice from the other line. “Hi, uhm…are you on your way already?…..oh good! I’m sorry Inah. I didn’t know they still need my assistance here so I would have to cancel …are you sure? Okay, next time… ingat sa byahe…bye.”

Just then, Maya was seen walking towards the door where they were standing. “She’s here.” Angelo informed Richard.

Seconds later, Maya was already standing beside them. “Tito, mauna na ako ha. You know naman yung apo mo.”


Angelo put his arms around Maya’s shoulder. “Maya, you make me feel I’m so old. Anyway, hindi na kita pipigilan. Kaya lang, since Joma is not back yet, hindi kita mapapahatid sa kanya.”

          “Okay lang Tito, I can manage. Ang dami namang taxi cab, pakuha lang ako kay Manong Guard.”

          “No, you will not take the cab. Sabi ko naman sayo, delikado mag cab diba. So ipapahatid na lang kita dito sa brod ko. Richard!

Richard looked up after sending a text message. Angelo winked at him and said “Tol, uwi na rin si Maya, sabay na kaya kayo, kasi wala pa si Joma para maghatid sa kanya eh.” trying to sound as if they haven’t talked about it earlier,

Smiling, Richard quickly answered “Sure!” It was Maya who had a doubtful face. So Richard said playfully “Don’t worry Maya, I am not a dangerous person even if I am very much affiliated with your uncle. I can promise you, makakarating ka sa bahay mo ng maayos.”

          “Ay, hindi naman sa ano… nakakahiya naman kasi. The night is still young, I’m sure mahaba pa ang party sa loob or gigimick pa kayo later. Baka may mga lakad pa kayo eh. Tito, I’ll just take the cab. You can always get the details of the taxi para hindi ka mag-alala.”

          “Maya, pauwi na yang si Richard at kanina pa hinahanap sa kanila yan. You live in the same area kaya sabay na kayo.” Angelo insisted.         

          “Really? Eh di, sige na nga.” Maya finally acceded. “So saan ka naka park?” She asked looking at Richard in the eyes.

          The car just came and the valet service boy got out of the car. “Tamang-tama, the car is here. Pano brod, uwi na kami.” Richard said giving Angelo a pat on his shoulder.

Angelo nodded and said “Sige, thanks for the support.” Angelo leaned a little and advised Richard. “Kalma lang brod, baka ma obvious ka na nyan, sige ka masira ang diskarte mo. You’re Richard Lim, so relax.”

          Richard chuckled and said calmly, “Let’s go Maya?” then discreetly ushered Maya to the ramp and opened the door for her.

          “Thank you.” Maya smiled then waved at Angelo before Richard closed the door for her. Then she suddenly remembered something.


Maya’s face looked serious while Richard was driving. He adjusted the temperature of the air conditioning system immediately, thinking Maya was feeling uncomfortable. To make sure, he asked “Maya, are you okay?”

Maya snapped out and said “Yeah…”

After some distance of travelling, Richard had the courage of asking Maya again “Are you usually that quiet?”

Maya frowned at Richard but answered “What do you mean?”


“You’re different pag nasa korte ka eh. You might not be aware, pero aside from ‘yeah’ you have not said anything since we left the sports club. Am I scaring you or are you still upset at me?”

“Naku Richard, I didn’t mean to be rude, may iniisip lang kasi ako.”

“Ahh, okay, you do seem like in a deep thought.”

“I’m actually trying to recall were I saw this car. I know I’ve seen this car not only once.”

“Huh?! Uhm…this kind of car is common that is probably why it is familiar to you.”

          “Oo nga, common nga ang car make na ganito even the color, pero hindi naman siguro common yung car plate mo.” Maya wittingly answered.

          “Hayan, yan yung Atty. dela Rosa na nakikita ko sa korte. So witty and fast.”


         “Huh? Madalas tayo magkita sa court?” Maya’s attention was diverted from the car.


          “Actually, hindi tayo nagkikita, pero nakikita kita. Well except our maritime case in Manila.”


          “Talaga? Eh bakit hindi mo ako binati if you saw me?”


          “First, hindi naman tayo magkakilala pa then, tapos after naman nung incident sa maritime case natin, natakot ako sa iyo kasi you can be very intimidating.”


          “Ha? Yung maritime case pa rin ba? Hindi ka pa ba nakaka move on from there? Grabe ka naman.”


          “No, I’m just saying why I hesitated saying hi to you after the court incident.”


          “Pero wala naman yun diba. Among us lawyers, pag nagkita na tayo sa isang case, pag labas ng korte okay naman tayo diba. So, suplado ka lang talaga siguro.”


          “Suplado lang talaga siguro? You mean, you find me suplado?”


          “Oo, suplado na maangas pa. Nakakainis ka kaya nung maritime case. Ang sungit maka reject ng trial date. Kaya kita nabuking sa kalokohan mo eh.”


          “Ahhh, so sino ngayon ang hindi pa nakaka move on from that incident? Hahaha!”


          “Ikaw ha, nangiinis ka na. Buti na lang good friend ka ni Tito.”


          “I was just teasing back. Uhm…Maya, do you mind stopping over for a while? I just need to buy some fruits, kung hindi, lagot ako sa bahay if wala akong bitbit tonight.” Richard asked Maya after realizing that they have reached that part of Sumulong Highway where there are fruit stands.


         “Go ahead. Nakikisabay nga lang ako eh. Would you like me to go down with you?” Maya offered.

“No need. Wait lang.” Richard crossed the road then pulled over. He rolled down his window and talked to the lady vendor. “Manang, the usual po.”

The lady vendor smiled and accepted the money from Richard. “Sige sandali lang.”


         “Richard, madalas ka dito noh? Alam na alam na nila ang ‘the usual’ mo eh.” Maya was curious.


          “Yes, I come here often, hindi kasi pwede walang fruits sa house. This is one task I cannot fail kung hindi lagot ako.” Richard answered with a grin showing his dimple.


Moments later, the lady vendor came back with two plastic bag full of fruits in her left hand and a small one in her right. “Ito na iho lahat. Ito naman, para sa magandang kasama mo, walang bayad yan ha, galing sa akin yan.” The vendor hands over the small plastic bag to Maya. “Matamis yan iha, mas matamis pa sa mga ngiti mo.”

Maya was surprised with the vendor’s gesture but was deeply touched. “Naku, marami pong salamat sa papuri at sa mga ito.”

Richard was pleased as well. “Salamat po Manang. Nag-iisa yata kayo ngayon. Nasaan po si Tatang?”

The lady vendor smiled at Richard’s concern. “Pinauwi ko na muna kay Arnold. Nirarayuma kasi eh, mas kumikirot ngayong malamig ang panahon.”


          “May gamot pa po ba si Tatang? Baka naman hindi niya kasi iniinom ang mga gamot niya.”

The lady vendor tried to assure a worried Richard “Huwag ka mag-alala iho, nainom sha ng gamot. Salamat.”


But Richard is not convinced. “Sige po, maniniwala ako, pero bukas po pasamahan ko kay Mang Lem si Tatang patingin sa doctor. Pwede po ba yun?”

“Sige iho, bahala ka na nga. Hindi ko naman mapipigilan ang kabutihan mo eh. Sige na’t gabi na, lumakad na kayo.”


“Sige po.” Richard maneuvered the car towards Antipolo hills while Maya kept quiet, amazed on what she witnessed. “O, bakit tahimik ka na naman uli?”


“Wala naman. Ahhh, nagulat lang ako dun kay Manang. Nakisabay na nga lang ako sa iyo, may libreng manggang hinog pa ako. May pinagsamahan kayo nung ale?”


          “That is a long story. Nakarating na tayo sa bahay mo, hindi pa siguro ako nangangalahati if I will tell you that story.”


“Ah…okay.” Maya did not push the matter. Instead, she asked “So, why is this common looking car with an uncommon plate number so familiar with me?”

“You’re still at it? Is it really that important to know why it’s familiar?”


          “Eh, kasi hindi ako makontento if I will not remember it myself. Kaya kita tinatanong, you might know why.”


         Richard heaved a sigh as he was forced to say  “Okay, I think it’s because this is the same car that almost hit you when you were crossing the street with an old woman. That was the very first time I had an encounter with you.”


          Maya suddenly remembered everything. “So, ito yun at ikaw, you were the one driving this car?!” Maya asked with an incredulous face.



October 3, 2014 · 8:47 am

Please Be My Legal Wife – Part 14

A/N: Pasensha na sa tagal ng update…istorbo lang talaga ang trabaho at summer vacation, idagdag pa ang kulang na 24 hours per day at mabagal na, interrupted pa na internet connections

I hope you’ll enjoy reading, as much as I will enjoy reading your comments 🙂

I will get back to comments I have not read and replied to later, I need to update first…

PREVIOUSLY on Please Be My Legal Wife – Part 13

         Richard just gave in to his urge. He took advantage of Maya’s proximity and embraced her. He planted a kiss on Maya’s head and whispered, “Good night Maya, and thank you for always being so thoughtful of my kids.”

       Again, Maya shivers from Richard’s move and hoped he didn’t notice it this time. She was so relieved that her mobile phone was ringing. Instantly, Maya moved away from Richard without looking and answered the call.

Maya:Hello?! …Sir James?….


           Maya looked at Richard and motioned that she’ll take the call in her room. She waved and mouthed good night, then she turned her back and proceeded to her room.

Maya:…hindi naman, gising pa naman talaga ako…I’m fine. Ikaw?…talaga? may hearing ka na naman sa Taytay bukas?

           Richard could hear her smiling as she walked towards her room talking to James. With that, Richard’s face turned sour and is very very upset.





Roller Coaster Ride

       Richard stood still and waited until Maya entered her room and closed the door behind her. He released a sigh of frustration while he went towards his home office. True to his word, he checked the e-mail that Atty. Molina sent him. When he was finished with the MOAs, he closed his laptop then flexed his back and neck to loosen up. It was at this point that he realized that it was already past midnight.

        When he was going up the stairs, he heard a faint sound emanating from Maya’s room. He smiled upon remembering the time when he caught Maya coming out of her room while singing along Beyoncé’s upbeat song. Richard later got curious if Maya was still talking to James. So, he took out his phone, searched for Maya’s name, then pressed call without thinking. The line was busy.   As expected, Richard became agitated.

        Upstairs in his room, Richard was in deep thought. As emotions are still high, he felt wide awake lying on his back. The moments that transpired earlier that kept playing in his mind didn’t help at all. They just made him more euphoric, and up and about. The outpouring joy in his heart is like new to him. It has been so long and he felt liberated.

      He couldn’t wait to see his children at breakfast to re-connect with them and be a family once again…with Maya. Then, the image of Maya in his arms produced goose bumps on his nape and sent butterflies in his stomach, which he has never felt for a very long time. Thinking of what they have shared late evening, he wondered what lies ahead for the two of them.

          Richard frowned and checked the time. It was already 2:00 o’clock in the morning and he still couldn’t sleep. He  realized that just like what Maya said, re-connecting with his children is just an easy task. What concerns him now is how to connect with Maya after becoming emotionally intimate with her earlier. What they have now is definitely more than a simple employer-employee relationship. What transpired earlier simply validated that they have established friendship based on trust and respect, and he is worried that this friendship might be compromised with one wrong move.

            After pondering on the matter, Richard finally came up with a resolution. “I guess I just have to act normal when she is around, and take from how she will be. Action-reaction.” He sat up, got his phone and started typing a message.

 Richard’s Text: Are you still awake? I can’t sleep!  😦

       Richard stared at his message, feeling hesitant to send it to Maya. He abruptly erased it and decided to call her instead. “She’s still on the phone?!” Richard said aloud upon hearing a busy tone.

        Thinking that it might just be the network provider, he got up from the bed, reached for the wireless land line phone and dialed his own mobile number. It was ringing.   Thereafter, he immediately dialed Maya’s mobile number using the same wireless phone. Upon hearing the busy tone once more, he cursed in his mind. “Damn it! She’s is still on the phone! What could they be talking about at this hour?!” With the thought that Maya is still on the phone with James, Richard went back to bed restless, now with full of frustration and paranoia.

         But far from Richard’s assumption, Maya, at that very moment, is actually on the phone with Emman.

         After talking to James earlier, Maya went to bed in deep thought as she recalled the night’s events. Since emotions are still high, she felt wide awake lying on her back while hugging a pillow. The moments that transpired earlier that kept playing in her mind didn’t help at all. They just made her more ecstatic, and up and about. The overwhelming feelings flooding her heart are very new to her and she felt confused realizing that she has never experienced them before.

         It seems like she couldn’t wait to see him again at breakfast, when he will try to re-connect with his children and be a family once again…of which she is not a part of. Unconsciously, Maya heaved a sigh of disappointment. Then, the image of Richard holding her in his arms, kissing her hair and palm, produced goose bumps on her nape and sent butterflies in her stomach…something that she has never felt before…well at least not with a man. Not even with Richard as she recalled the many times that she was physically close to him before, when he found her limping along the road, when she demonstrated the mano with yummy kiss and bear hug, when she accidentally fell in his arms after arguing about her revealing summer dress and laughing at the ant and the elephant story, and other similar moments of closeness. Thinking of what they have shared late evening, she wondered what lies ahead for the two of them.

          Maya opened her eyes and checked the time. It was almost 2:00 o’clock in the morning and she still couldn’t sleep. She realized that just like what she said earlier, it would be a very easy task for Richard to re-connect with his children. What concerns her, is how the two of them will connect now, especially after he became emotionally intimate with her earlier. What they have now is definitely more than a simple employer-employee relationship. What transpired earlier simply validated that their friendship has grown and moved up to a comfortable level because of trust and respect. She is now worried that this friendship might be compromised with one wrong move.

     After pondering on the matter, Maya finally came up with a resolution. “I guess I just have to act normal when he is around, and take from how he will be. Action-reaction.” She sat up, got her phone and started typing a message.

 Maya’s Text:  Gising ka pa ba?  I can’t sleep! 😦  Please call me.

           Anxious to talk to a trusted friend, Maya calls Emman without waiting for his reply.

 Emman: Naman Maya! Agad-agad? Kakatanggap ko nga lang ng text mo eh, ring ring na kasunod?! Now-now lang ang mood? This can’t wait, ganun?

Maya: Emman sorry, hindi nga kasi ako makatulog eh. Nastorbo ba kita?

Emman: Sa pagtulog? Hinding-hinde. Pero sa ginagawa ko, korek na korek, naistorbo mo ako. Nagbabalot kaya ako ng mga new books ko! Bestie! getting ready na ako for law school! How about you? Excited ka din kaya hindi ka pa makatulog?

Maya: Sa weekend pa ako bibili ng books and supplies eh. Naku Emman, may dapat pa nga ako ayusin sa school eh. Hindi ba may mga minor subjects pa ako naiwan dahil sa work before. Approved naman na ng school, yung schedule lang ang problema. Shempre makikihalo ako sa ibang year level.

Emman: Kaya ka hindi makatulog? Naku Mayabelles! Hindi kita masasamahan sa school this week kasi may last hirit na bakasyon ako before school starts!

Maya: Okay lang yun, basta kausapin mo lang ako ngayon.

Emman: Aba, ano itich? Serious talk?

Maya: Yes. Anu kasi, si…si S-sir Chief.

Emman: What about him? Were you fired? Anu na naman bang kakulitan ang ginawa mo at naging incredible hulk si incredible hunk?

Maya: No, I was not fired. Iba, may nangyari.

Emman: Huwaaaaaat?! Oh my pink jerbaks, may nangyari?! Bumigay ka agad? As in, you gave your kyolating pangwakas?

Maya: Ano?!

Emman: Kyolating pangwakas! Rybalo! You know, that girl thingy down there that I will never have?!

Maya: Emman umayos ka nga. Walang ganung nangyari.

Emman: Ahh, so, ano, nag Lorna Tolentino lang kayo?

Maya: Emman please, I can’t understand your language.

Emman: I mean, nag-lips to lips lang kayo?

Maya: Emman wala ngang ganung nangyari.

Emman: Eh anu ba nangyari at nagkaka ganyan ka? Anu? Pinagalitan ka ng bonggang bongga at napa-utot ka sa harap nya?

Maya: Emman!

Emman: Ano nga? Sinilipan ka? O Ikaw nanilip sa kanya at nahuli ka? Oh my gee, bilis kwento in details, go!

          Maya started narrating the events of the day and night. Blow by blow, she recounted everything that happened from the time that she drove Abby to his office until he accompanied them to the LAS building parking lot, then from the time he entered the mansion just after the brown out until they parted ways when she received the phone call, leaving out the caller and details pertaining to the moments with the children and the Lim household.

 Maya: Para kasing may naiba Emman eh. May kaka-iba kaninang gabi. It felt like, parang ano, parang iba yung tingin nya, yung hawak nya. Basta iba, iba yung kinilos nya kanina.

Emman: And?

Maya: And on my part, dati naman, I just find him good looking, admiring him for who he is. I was even vocal about it, kahit sa kanya. Pero ngayon parang may kilig na kasama. As in Emman, hindi ako makahinga sa kilig kanina nung nag moment sha. Dati naman wala akong ganung pakiramdam. It felt weird and wonderful at the same time. Ano yun?

        Kasi kaninang morning, okay naman eh, lahat ng ganap wala lang, walang malisya. Pinunasan ko pa ang bibig kasi may natuyong catsup. Tapos nung lunch sa Pancake House sinubuan ko pa kasi ayaw tikman yung tacos. Pero wala lang, hindi nakaka conscious. Then kanina sa veranda, parang bigla ako na-conscious after nyang mag moment. Sobra akong kinikilig kanina Emman.

Emman: Kinilig ka as in like twitter patted, like that?

Maya: Yes!

Emman: Tapos?

Maya: Tapos hindi ko matiis. Grabe ang sumpong, lakas ng topak! Krung krung Emman! Nag iinarte, nakaka irita! Pero kahit inis na inis na ako, hindi ko matiis suyuin kahit wala naman akong kasalanan. Nakakaloka!

Emman: Okay lang yan, may sumpong at topak sha, makulit at lukaret ka naman. Si krung krung at prem prem, nagkatagpuan. Bagay na bagay kayo.

Maya: Emman naman eh, sa dami ng sinabi ko, that is your response?

Emman: Yes, kasi simple lang ang equation, 1+1 =2. Like ka na nya more than tutor ni Abby at like mo na rin sha higit sa isang boss. Lumevel up na kayo. Yun lang yun.  Krung krung and prem prem LIKE each other.

Maya: Like? As in? So you are saying you agree with my theory na crush ko na nga sha?  

Emman: Korek! Dalaga ka na Bestie! So ano plano mo?

Maya: For now, wala dapat maka alam. Sagwa Emman, we live under one roof tapos boss ko sha. Pangit. So I plan to just act normal, parang walang nangyari kanina. From there kakapain ko na depende on how he is. I don’t want to assume. Baka naman feeling lang ako because nadala ako ng moment, tapos wrong assumption pala.

Emman: Tama, kasi nga naman Katipunera ka at hindi Assumptionista dba! Hahaha! Basta i-carry mo ha. Mamya diyan aligaga ka when he is around.

Maya: Yan, yan pa ang isang dahilan why I can’t sleep. Pano nga kung hindi ko kayanin at mahalata ako?Magugulo ang lahat. Haaaaaaaay!     

Emman: Maya, anu bei? What have we learned ba in law school? Once you take sides, fight for it with conviction. Kung sa pula ka, ang puti palabasin mong pula. Kung sa puti ka, kahit pula paniwalain mo ang lahat na puti ito. So, panindigan mo na hindi mo crush kahit crush mo!

          In short, shudi pa olark lang na crush mo sha. Wag ipahalata na crush mo na sha. Isipin mo na walang nangyari and the same pa rin just like before. Then, panindigan mo. Act normal, with conviction and poise!

Maya: Oh my gulay Emman! Pano kami sa concert ni Vice Ganda sa Thursday?       

Emman: Anung pano? Didn’t you just hear what I said? Act normal with conviction. Parang dati lang. Girl, dalaga ka na kahit late bloomer pa. So, anu man yan, i-enjoy mo na lang.

Maya: Okay, sabi ko nga, act normal with conviction and poise. Anu na nga yun? Shudi na olark na crush ko na sha!

Emman: Tama!

Maya: Action-reaction lang, I’ll take it from how he will be. Kakapain ko na nga lang muna.

 Emman: Tama uli! Pero Bestie ha, baka ibang kapaan mangyari tapos mamya when you call me, you’ll tell me na lucky home partner na kayo ha?

 Maya: Did you just mean live-in? Emman crush pa lang to, hindi pa tayo sigurado, live-in agad?

 Emman: I’m just saying. So, siguro naman, pwede ka na mag sleeping beauty?

 Maya: Salamat Emman ha. You are really the best bestie in the world! Good night!

 Emman: Nighty nite!


      Maya was already seated, stirring her coffee when Richard came down the stairs and approached the dining table for breakfast. He smiled upon seeing Maya so quiet while waiting for them. He was toying with the idea of giving her a kiss on the forehead with good morning greetings when Maya suddenly looked up.

 Richard: Good morning!

        Maya saw Richard’s dimpled face smiling at her. She smiled back and noticed the lines under his eyes, indicating that he slept late.

 Maya: Good morning Sir Chief! Coffee?

Richard: Ipagtitimpla mo uli ako?

 Maya: Why not? Ayaw nyo po?

Richard: Nakakahiya lang kasi. That’s not part of your job.

 Maya: Seriously Sir Chief? Nakakahiya po ba yun? I’ve made coffee for you several times already. Besides, akala ko SUPERfriends na po tayo kasi, iniyakan nyo na nga po ako kagabi eh, mahihi –

Richard: Fine. Coffee please.

        Maya stood up and went to the breakfast nook, leaving Richard behind whose pursed lips caused his dimple to appear.

Richard: Napaka alaskador mo talaga, Maya. Can we not talk about that crying thing please.

Maya: Sir Chief, hindi po ako nang aalaska. I was just saying. And besides, wala naman pong ibang tao dito eh.

 Richard: Where is everybody?

Maya: Pababa na rin po yung mga bata. Si Abby sarap pa ng tulog.

       Maya came back holding the cup of coffee which she placed on the table. “Here’s your coffee.”

        “Thank you.” Richard said while smiling at her. Before Maya could sit down, Abby rushed to her side and engulfed Maya’s waist in an embrace.

 Maya: Abby! Ang aga mo namang nagising baby! Ah…kasi you selpt early last night nga pala. Kiss mo na si Daddy tapos kain ka na.

       Abby obliged. After he kissed Richard, she sat on the chair on the right of Maya, whose already busy putting food on Abby’s plate. Richard’s eyes remained focus on Maya, noting how she takes care of Abby like a mother. He did not miss the dark area beneath Maya’s eyes. As Maya felt that Richard is watching her, she became conscious and struggled to act normal when she caught Richard staring at her.

Maya: W-why po? May dumi po ba yung face ko?

Richard: No, wala. Yung mga mata mo kasi. They look tired.

          Richard sips his coffee and looks at Maya again. “You must really be a coffee drinker to be able to come up with coffee this good. It’s perfect! Masarap talaga siya. What do you put in it?”

     Maya gave him a playful smile. She answered while putting food on her plate, glancing at Richard every now and then.

Maya: Anu mang oras, anu mang araw, hilig ko ang mag coffee. But NOT just any coffee. Gusto nyo malaman kung ano ang secret ko in making my coffee perfect? Krem Top! For me, Krem Top is the only coffee creamer that makes my coffee taste richer…creamier! Aroma pa lang, hhmmm…siguradong panalo! Bawat sandali talagang sumasarap! Lasapin ang sarap –

Richard: TV commercial yan dba? Memorize mo?!

      Richard looks at Maya with amusement while laughing.

  Maya: Hahaha, favorite TV Ad ko yun. Ang gwapo ng actor, credible looking pa. His character is so surreal.

Richard: You’re really funny! You’re a natural comic, I must say!

 Maya: What? I’m not a comedy! I’m a lawyer to be!

         Richard laughs harder to the pleasure of Maya. She has not seen him in this mood especially in the morning. Abby was also delighted as she watched her Dad and Maya.

 Richard: Haaay Maya, I almost choked on my coffee kakatawa dito.

 Maya: At least my answer has been prayed! Ay mail! Take 2… At least my prayer has been answered! Hindi na kayo nakasimangot at the start of the day. Nakangiti na, tumatawa pa! Nakakabata po yan ha, nakakatanggal pa ng pagod sa puyat.

 Richard: Yeah, they say that laughter is the best medicine.

Maya: Pero hinay po sa tawa Sir Chief ha. Laughter is the best medicine…but if you laugh for no reason…you will need medicine!

         Richard’s face was flushed after laughing continuously. He calmed down only after he was close to tears.

 Richard: There is really no dull moment with you, Maya.

      Maya just smiled at him in response. Richard noticed the dark area beneath her eyes again. This time, he had to ask to satisfy his curiosity.

 Richard: Mukhang nagtelebabad ka kagabi ah. Inabot ka siguro ng madaling araw sa telepono. Kita sa mga mata mo eh, napuyat ka.

Maya: Huh? Ah…eh … kayo nga Sir Chief ang puyat oh! Ang lalim kaya ng mga mata nyo. Ayan o, dalawa linya ng eye bags nyo. You worked last night noh? Kaya kayo napuyat.

Richard: Ikaw kasi.

Maya: Ako po talaga?

Richard: Yes! Didn’t I tell you last night, mahihirapan akong makatulog ng dahil sa iyo.

Maya: Okay, at least po natapos nyo yung trabaho. At least nabawasan ang work load nyo for today so, maaga kayo makaka uwi. Chance yun to have bonding time with the kids!  

Richard: Yeah, you’re right. Ang tagal naman nila Luke and Nikki, the food will get cold.

        When Richard stood up and tried to reach for the rice bowl, Maya immediately offered help.

Maya: Ay ako na lang po Sir Chief. Ang layo po nung rice bowl eh, dami kasi nila hinain na pagkain oh. Over, parang fiesta lang.

Richard: Okay, thank you Maya.

      Overwhelmed, Richard bit his lower lip as he tried to control his smile. Maya scooped some rice and placed them on the plate of Richard, who got overjoyed with Maya’s gestures. “Ulam Sir Chief, what do you want? Baka hindi mo rin maabot yung serving plate eh. Omelette?

 Richard: Sige, and sausages please.

           Richard’s weary eyes were surpassed by the smile on his face as he watched Maya attend to his breakfast, just like how a wife would do. Highly twitter patted with the moment just like a teen-ager talking to his crush, Richard simply relished every second of it, just as his former nanny, who came in the kitchen minutes ago, was very pleased and touched with what she has just witnessed. She smiled and said a short prayer in her mind.

        Doris, who came with Manang Fe, couldn’t help but swoon over the interaction between her boss and Maya.

Doris: Jusme! Manang Fe, nakaka kiliiiiiiiig! Manang, tignan mo si Sir Richard oh. Ang mga mata, dati ang lungkot. Tignan mo ngayon, kahit halata mong pagod ang mata sa puyat, kitang kita mo ang saya sa mukha nya.

       Ang ngiti naman ni Sir oh, wagas! At ang mga titig nya kay Ms. Maya, ang lagkeeet! Tignan mo silang tatlo, parang holy family!

Manang Fe: Bakit holy family?

Doris: Parang buo na po yung pamilya! May tatay, baby, at may nanay na rin!

Manang Fe: Whole ang family…wag ka na nga mag ingles hindi tayo magkaintindihan.

Doris: Ow-my-G! Kinikilig si Sir Richard! Hindi nya maitago ang kilig nya kay Ms. Maya! Waaaaaah! Sabi ko na eh, ka-abang abang na love story ito!

Manang Fe: Hayaan natin sila Doris. Huwag natin pangunahan. Masaya na ako na makita si Ricardo na masaya muli. Napaka tagal na panahon ang lumipas. Ngayon ko lamang uli nakitang ganyan kasaya ang mukha ni Ricardo. Kahit si Abigail! Sana magtuloy tuloy na itong saya nila.

          Napaka swerte natin kay Maya. Natural na natural kasi sa kanya ang maging maalaga. Sa mga bata, kay Ricardo at pati na sa atin.

Doris: Mabuti na lang dumating sa mga Lim si Ms. Maya. Ang saya saya na ng bahay na ito.

Manang Fe: Salamat sa Diyos.

        Richard continuously smiles while eating, glancing at Maya every now and then. As usual, Maya kept their conversation going.

 Maya: Mmmmmm….Sir Chief masarap yung baked beans. Sarap siya i-pair sa sausages. Try nyo po.

Richard: Huwag na lang, pork and beans lang yan eh.

Maya: No, baked beans siya Sir Chief. Mas masarap po. Sige na try nyo na.

Richard: I don’t like.

Maya: Oh well, I forgot, you refuse to go out of the box nga po pala. You don’t like to try –

Richard: Fine. Pahingi na ng konti. You are such a bully!

Maya: I am not! And if I am, I could not possibly bully a Richard Lim.

Richard: Maya, you just don’t know what you do to m – .

          Maya cuts him off upon seeing the kids approach the table. “Sir Chief ayan na mga bata!” She slightly leans forward and whispered to Richard. Start the conversation with them, and don’t forget to wish Nikki good luck. It’s her audition day.”

         Luke and Nikki got excited to see their Dad at breakfast especially after what happened last night when he arrived. To their surprise and delight, Richard looked behind and greeted his kids right away.

 Richard: Good morning Luke, Nikki!

Luke/Nikki: Good morning Dad!

Richard: What took you so long to get down here? Baka ma-late kayo nyan sa school.

       Luke and Nikki glanced at Maya who winked at them, giving the signal to speak.

Luke: Hindi naman po Dad. Na-calculate na po namin ni Kuya Joma kahapon yung travel time. May allowance pa po sa time.

Nikki: Yes Dad. Hindi pa po kami aabutan ng traffic.

Richard: You look prettier today, Nikki. Ngayon yung auditions mo, right?

Nikki: Oh thank you Dad! Uhm, yes po, mamaya po during lunch time yung auditions. If I’m not called for my turn sa lunch, auditions will continue after class. Kaya baka po ma-late po kami ng kaunti sa pag-uwi.

Richard: But how will you eat lunch then?

Nikki: Oh, Tita Maya got that covered Dad. She’ll be sending sandwich para I can eat while waiting for my turn.

Maya: Ay, nandun na sa counter top sa kitchen oh. May extra cookies din para may makutkot sa hapon, just in case.

Richard: Thank you, Maya. That is really so sweet of you. Hindi ka na nakatulog ng maayos, napuyat na then ang aga mo pa gumusing.

Maya: Welcome. Good luck Nikki ah. Don’t forget yung piano piece.

Richard: Well, with how she sang last night, I don’t think she even needs a good luck. But just the same, good luck Nikki. I’m sure you will impress them.

Nikki: Aaaawwww, thank you Dad! Thanks Tita Maya!

Richard: Uhm…Luke, siguro it would be better if you have driving lessons aready.

Luke: Really Dad?!

Richard: Yes, you’ll be in college soon and there will be a time that you will have to drive the car yourself.

Luke: Wow! Hindi ko po tatanggihan yan, Dad! Thaaaaaank you po!

        Richard remembered what Maya said about Abby, so he called their attention to her. “Wow look at Abby eat!” Everyone looked at Abby. “Abby, you’re eating well. Keep it up baby so you’ll grow fast.” Abby nodded with a big smile on her face to the satisfaction of Richard. But what warmed his heart is what happened next. Abby hugged Maya’s right arm and caressed her cheeks against it, just like a cat would cuddle. Then, using her left hand, Maya cupped Abby’s face that was resting on her arm then kissed Abby’s head.

       Richard felt happy that he had conversation with his kids. He noticed that Maya was just listening, ready to give in her share when needed. He felt relieved that it went well, more than what he expected and hoped for. He looked at Maya. He smiled and gave her a nod, as if telling her thank you. Maya acknowledged him with the same gestures. Realizing that they understand each other even with just an eye contact, Richard took a deep breath and heaved a sigh of gratitude and satisfaction.



         Richard reached LAS in a very good mood. He appreciated the fact that he had breakfast with his kids, and yet still made it on time. What he needed after all, was time management, something that he always practiced in the office, but overlooked to apply at home.

Liza: Good morning, Sir!

Richard: Good morning! Kindly check your e-mail. I sent you the final MOAs for signing later. Just make sure you print at least two extra sets for our files.

Liza: Okay, I’ll do that now.

          As expected, Liza noticed the good mood of his boss and guessed that someone might be the reason. She has just opened her email account when the phone beside her started to ring.

 Liza: Lim Aviation Services, good morning!

Maya: Hello Liza! Quiet ka lang please, this is Maya.

Liza: Hey! I was just thinking of you…

Maya: Huh? Bakit? Ay teka, dumating na ba si SC?

Liza: SC? Ah si Sir Chief mo. Yeah, nandito na si Chief.   Dumating kani-kanina lang.

Maya: Haaay, that’s good to hear. Hindi kasi naka alis ng maaga, sumabay mag breakfast sa amin ng mga bata. I was worried na ma-late. Baka ako sisihin, you know…Hahaha!

Liza: Ahhh…is that so? Kaya pala. Sabi ko na eh. You’re the reason why ang ganda ng mood ni Chief, pasipol sipol na naman.

Maya: Ay Liza, ang saya sa breakfast kanina! Si Sir Chief ha, tawa ng tawa. Tapos sarap ng kwentuhan nila ng mga bata.

Liza: Oh I’m sure, may kinalaman ka dun.

Maya: Hindi naman, I just gave him a little push para mag loosen up sa mga bata. Actually, that is the reason why I called you nga pala. Pwede ka ba namin i-kutchaba ng mga bata?

Liza: Of course! Just make sure na hindi ako masesesante ha. Anu ba yun?

Maya: Oh I’m sure, hindi ka kayang sisantehen ni Sir Chief! Hahaha!

        Anyway, eh kasi diba you’re a very trusted friend and employee ni Sir Chief. Parang si Atty. Ryan! So, maniniwala yun sa ‘yo. Ma-convince mo lang siya that he has a meeting with someone, like a possible client, maybe a CEO of an airline? Basta yung hindi nya matatanggihan. Bahala ka na. Kayang-kaya mo na yun, pero ang challenge sa iyo, is to make him go to that business meeting this Sunday mga 4 or 5 in the afternoon!

Liza: What? Why Sunday? For sure magrereklamo si Sir!

Maya: It’s father’s day dba? Okay sana i-surprise para hindi na maka kontra yun. Kami na bahala sa reservation kung saang resto.

Liza: Naku, baka mahirapan ka na nyan. I’m sure fully book na most ng restaurants in Metro Manila kasi nga Father’s Day. You want ako na rin gumawa nun? I’ll tap my network.

Maya: Really? Oh my gas Liza! Super thank you! Sige, bahala ka na, anyway mas kabisado mo naman yang kaibigan mo eh.

Liza: Hahaha! I really don’t mine Maya! I’m just so glad, mukhang mapapadalas na maganda mood ni Chief. Dati, ang serious at sungit lagi, bilis talaga unimit ng ulo nya. Lately, kalma! Pasipol sipol pa kanina.

Maya: You know what, if matuloy yung Sunday, baka magtuloy tuloy na yang good moods ni Sir Chief. Kulang lang ng bonding moments with the kids. Kaya sana magawan mo ng way. Pleeease?

Liza: Of course!

Maya: Talaga ha. Sige na, I won’t hold you for long. Thanks Liza, text text na lang.

Liza: Okay, bye!

Richard: Liza…




Filed under Please Be My Legal Wife

Please Be My Legal Wife – Part 13

A/N: Pahabol na double treat for a happy Easter! I have read some of your comments and as a result, pinilit ihabol ang next part agad.

Thank you, I’ll get back to your commentssssss later, ginawa at tinapos ko muna nga kasi ito, sa sobrang tuwa ko sa inyo. 🙂

Hindi lang ang pagsusulat ang nakakamiss, pati kayo at ang pagbabasa ng comments ninyo, sobrang na miss ko. Happy Easter and God bless!



PREVIOUSLY on Please Be My Legal Wife – Part 12


Maya:Ah…so o-okay ka na pala. Maya quickly snaps off.

Richard:For now, yes.


          With that declaration from Richard, Maya wondered why he was still holding her. She felt uneasy as she sensed that something was different. Everything felt different. Maya became apprehensive that their emotional intimacy might peak at something physical, and now that she is aware of their faces only inches away, she fears that Richard might get carried away with the moment. This realization caused her to panic inside. With a little push, Maya swiftly pulled away from him and walked towards the kitchen.





Richard: Maya! Wait!  I  st–    

           Without looking back, Maya answered Richard spontaneously.

 Maya: Ahem…I need oxygen…

Richard: What?!  Richard immediately grabbed Maya’s arm from behind and pulled her back. Maya was forced to face him. What did you say?

Maya: Huh? Ah…sabi ko po I need ano… ah…hydrogen 2 oxygen. Yun! Chemistry? H2O? Otherwise known as water? I’ll get you water, wait lang.

        Maya immediately turned around and proceeded to the kitchen. She felt the need to move away from Richard. She might have caused the Pandora’s Box to open, and she did not know how to handle the situation…she needed to breath to calm herself down…to regain control…at least of herself.

Richard just released a sigh as he was left alone in the veranda. He frowned when he realized what just happened. “What was that all about, Richard?” he asked himself. He stepped back with hands on his waist and had a quick thoughthe still needed to talk to Maya. So, he followed her to the kitchen.

       Maya was doing deep-breathing exercises while walking away from the veranda. Her mind was in chaos with heart beating wild. “Maya, kalma…kalma!… grabe maka-moment ‘tong si chopsticks!… anyare dun?… naman kasi, pano ka naman kakalma nakakatunaw makatingin!… aaarrrrghh! over!… at jusmeeeeeeeeh, ang sarap nyang yumakaaaaap! Wait! Bakit ako kinikiliiiig ng sobra?! Waaaaah! Ang kisig at ang bango pa!… hinga Maya, hinga!…ano ba ‘to… parang may kakaiba kasi eh…kalma Mayaaaa!”


         To her surprise, Maya gulped down the water she has just poured in the water goblet.

 Maya: Naman Sir Chief! Nakakagulat naman kayo oh! Bakit ba kayo sumunod? Di po ba sabi ko wait lang, I’ll get you water?  Maya took another goblet then poured another glass of water for him. Quickly, she placed the goblet on the counter of the breakfast nook nearest Richard. Ayan po, tubig to replenish the bucket of tears you shed a while ago, he he…he he.

Richard:Thank you. Without moving his eyes from Maya, Richard drank the water then placed the goblet back on the counter. Akala ko hindi ka na babalik eh.

Maya:Ha? Eh bakit naman po? Sabi ko nga po ‘di ba, wait lang, I’ll get you water? Maya gets jittery and mumbled to herself. “Ang kulit ha.”

Richard: Eh kasi ang tagal mo. Uhm… I still need some company.

Maya: Ah…still need some company naman pala…hmm….my company? Maya tried to be calm and pointed to herself and Richard gave her a nod. She tried to buy time until she could think of something and said Ah…so, hindi ka na galit?

Richard:I was not mad. Did you think I was mad?

Maya: Hindi po ba? Kanina, you sounded so vehement when you said to me “I don’t want company. Leave me alone.”

           Richard frowned.

 Richard: Did I say that? Well, my mind was in total turmoil kanina and I was losing control of my emotions! I didn’t want anybody to see me so vulnerable, e-especially you.

Maya: Ah, kaya ba may kasunod pang “I don’t want your coffee. Just go and stay away from me.”

          Richard felt so guilty and remorseful; he wanted to show how sorry he is. Spontaneously, he walked towards Maya while he delivers his apology.

Richard:I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to reject you and sound so offensive. I’m really so sorry, Ma–

       Anticipating another hug from Richard, Maya immediately raised her left hand and cuts him off just to prevent him from coming to her.

Maya:Okay na po Sir Chief! I believe you and I understand, really….okay na po yun…so…ah… you want that company with coffee?

Maya casually asked with a big smile, trying her best to look calm and normal. With a big smile on his face, Richard answered immediately.

 Richard:Yes, of course. Your company, with coffee please.

Maya:Okay po Sir Chief! Mauna ka na po sa veranda, susunod na po ako.

           Richard raised his eyebrows.

 Maya:Onga po. Sir Chief, susunod po ako. I’ll just make us coffee. Promise, mamatay man mga kuko nyo sa paa!

           Richard chuckles.

 Richard: Silly! It’s just that…well (feeling uneasy, Richard grimaces) … I’m just baffled that you’re back with po and Sir Chief. W-why so? (then he smiles teasingly) … Eh kanina lang I was Richard to you…and m-may hon –

           Embarrassed,Maya butts in right away before Richard could even finish the word honey.

 Maya: Huh? Ah… eh…kasi…okay naman na kayo di ba? Kanina kasi, I felt that you were holding back and I thought, kasi nga boss kayo. Masakit kaya sa dibdib ang magpigil! Kaya…ano po, I shifted to a friend mode then called you by your first name, para po ano…para po hindi kayo ma-ilang. Eh nag work naman po di ba? You let go and cried like a boy.

        Looking disappointed, Richard talks her into it in a frustrated tone.

 Richard:Then dapat na pala akong ma-ilang, kasi boss-employee mode na pala uli tayo eh. But I need the company of a friend.

Maya:Fine! Sige na Ricky boy. Punta ka na sa veranda, susunod na ako.

        With a lopsided smile, Richard nods. He proceeded back to the veranda, feeling triumphant and enthusiastic.

          Richard patiently waited for Maya. He sat on the chair near the iron barrier, facing the sliding door leading back to the kitchen/dining hall. Alone, he had the chance to think things over. He made a quick flash back in his mind to recall what just happened minutes ago and tried to process what was going on. He grins as he entertained his thoughts “I don’t know what is going on but I really don’t care at all. All I know is that I’m happy with what is going about. I feel good with what I have with her now, and it feels so right being connected with her… mentally… emotionally… and ah, oh yeah, physically….”


          After about five minutes of reflection, Richard saw Maya emerge from the kitchen area holding a tray with a glass of water, two cups of coffee and a triple decker chicken salad sandwich with potato chips on the side.

Maya:Sir Chief, I know you’re hungry kasi malamang you haven’t eaten dinner. Kaya mag sandwich ka muna.

           Richard gets delighted with the kind of attention Maya is showering him. After all, it feels different from the kind of concern and care Manang Fe has been giving him throughout the years.

Richard:Ang galing mo namang tumancha. You’re right, nagutom na nga ako. Thank you, and it’s Richard, Maya.

Maya:Okay, whatever. Sige na kain na muna.

Richard:Mmmm. This is good!

Maya:Gutom ka nga talaga!

Richard:No, this is really good. Ngayon lang ata gumawa ng ganito sina Manang Fe.

Maya:Kami ni Abby ang gumawa nyan kaninang merienda. Dami nga nya nakain eh. You know what? She didn’t mind the lettuce! Basta she ate what I made for her.

Richard:That’s because of you. She follows you in a snap. Lakas ng impluwensha mo sa kanya.

           Maya sips from her cup of coffee as she watched Richard looking so relaxed munching on his food.   After several glances, Maya just stared at Richard, admiring every inch of his face. Silently, she thought “Haaay, ang gwapo mo pala talaga. Tama nga si Emman, incredible hunk ka nga!

           Richard noticed Maya staring at him and thought maybe he has something around his mouth again. So, he wiped his mouth clean then faced Maya.



Richard:You wanted to say something? You’re staring at me.

Maya:Ha?Ah…wala naman. Eh ano kasi, ang bilis mo kumain! Hahahaha! Ilang kagat lang yung sandwich? Apat lang ata eh! Hahaha!

          Both of them were laughing uncontrollably, with Maya close to tears and Richard’s face flushed.

Richard:Ang sarap kasi. I was just appreciating what you made. Hindi ba sabi mo ikaw may gawa nun?

Maya: Ganun? Thank you nasarapan ka sa gawa ko. Eh pero ang Frito Lay potato chips, natapon lang Sir Chief? Simot agad? Hahaha!

Richard: Hahaha! Maya ang kulit mo. Yeah hindi mo gawa yung chips but that was part of your preparation, right? Ineffort mo yun. So I should appreciate it just the same.

Maya: Okay, sobrang appreciative mo nga, di-nedma mo lang ako dito. Galit galit lang? Hahaha!

Richard:Fine! Nagutom nga ako. I admit, I was really starving on the way home. Traffic was really terrible with the rain and flood, then when I got home…

           Richard stopped and took a sip from his coffee cup.

 Maya:Then when you got home…anu nga ba nangyari? Grabe ka rin umatake ng pagka bipolar eh. Tiger mode tapos best drama actor mode. Pero in fairness ha, ikaw pa lang ang lalaki na nakita kong umiyak na hindi masagwa. Kahit na humihikbi ka at lalong naningkit mga mata mo, gwapo ka pa rin ha ha ha! 

Richard:Stop teasing!

Maya:Ha? I’m not teasing! Totoo, tinalo mo pa si Aga Mulach at Piolo Pascual sa pag iyak. Hanep! Project na project ang dating, without losing poise and good looks! Pati pagtulo ng luha, prim and proper ka pa rin. Hahaha!

Richard:Kaya nga ayoko makita nyo ako in that state. Now you’re making fun of me.

Maya:Hindi ah. Hindi ba nga, sabi ko nga sa kanta kanina, you poured your soul…didn’t lose your dignity…♪♪ it held you up… ♪♪ you have my sympathy.

          Hindi lang sympathy Sir Chief, sobrang napahanga ako kasi you were man enough to deal with your emotions out in the open. Sabi nila, ang tunay na lalaki, marunong AT kayang umiyak ng hindi nagtatago.


Maya:Really-ing really.

          Maya knew where he was coming from but she wanted to it hear from him, straight from his heart.

Maya: Eh anu ba nga talaga ang nangyari sa iyo? Kanina lang ang lisik mong makatingin, nakakatakot, parang galit na galit ka sa akin. Then just earlier, bigla ka na lang nangyakap at umiyak ng parang bata. Tapos ngayon yung ngiti nyo…mo, parang nakakaloko. Sir Chief, may lahi kayong baliw? Wahahahahaha!

          Maya laughs boisterously with her head sliding to her left, down to Richard’s right shoulder. Richard almost choked. He put the tray on the side after drinking water. Maya saw the sudden change in Richard’s face, from one with a silly grin to a heart-breaking facial expression.                                                                                

Maya:Peace, Sir Chief. Nagbibiro lang ako. Eh kasi naman grabe naman talaga ang mood swings mo eh.   Ayan oh, res ipsa loquitur!

         Without looking at Maya, Richard took another sip of coffee without saying anything.

Maya:Sir Chief?…Richard? Huuuuy, sorry na, nagbibiro lang ako.

        Still with a miserable face, Richard keeps mum. Maya didn’t know what to do next and thought “Lakas talaga ng sumpong nito! Krung krung! Dead-ma lang? Layasan ko kaya dito? Hmp! Kakapundi ng pasensha ha. Arrrrggh! Krung krung talaga! Hmp! Teka nga…”

           Maya moved closer to Richard. Looking at him in her most loving way, Maya starts to sing an APO song, “Kaibigan”….

 Maya:Kaibigan….tila yata matamlay…ang iyong pakiramdam…At ang ulo mo sa kaiisip… ♪♪ Ay tila naguguluhan Kung ang problema o suliranin … ay lagi mong didibdibin ay tatanda kang bigla pag tumulo ang luha hahaba ang iyong mukha ♪♪ at ikaw ang siyang kawawa…

Admitting that Maya has a special way of calming him, Richard finally looked at her, although with pursed lips. He was just amazed on her creativeness, being able to get through her point through a song.

Richard:Eh matanda naman na talaga ako eh.

Maya:Hasus! Richard, lalo kang tatanda sa haba ng face mo sa kaka emote mo. And you know my stand on that matter, hindi ka pa matanda, and you definitely don’t look like a man with 3 kids, with your first born nearly in college!   Para lang kayong mag kuya ni Luke eh. Promise!

Hearing her say something about kids, Richard began to explain what happened earlier when he came home.

Richard:It was Nikki’s song. Y-you taught her that?

Maya:Sir Chief, I didn’t –         

Richard:Maya, if you want this conversation to go on –

Maya:Okay, Richard, as I was saying, yes, I did teach her the song. I changed some of the lyrics to fit the story line of the school play. Nikki is going to audition for the theatre club and at the same time for the lead role.

Richard:Nikki was singing from the heart. You know where she’s coming from. It’s like she was singing to me.

Maya:It was not meant for you. As I have said, it was for the story line of the school play. Yung story daw kasi is about a young girl who is trying to reach out to his father who was still trying to cope up with the death of his wife who succumbed to cancer.

Richard:But it hit me. You know what I’m talking about. You’ve seen how we are as a family and you know where she’s coming from. I’m sure. In fact, you’ve made efforts to bridge the gap between me and the kids. And you were successful.   And tonight? You did it again effortlessly this time. As you always say, res ipsa loquitur. I rest my case.

Maya:Fine. I only realized that at the last part of the song, when there was a crack in her voice and then tears rolled down her cheeks. Sorry Sir Ch – sorry, I didn’t mean –

Richard:It is really okay, Maya. I know you only meant to help Nikki with her audition. I guess it’s something inevitable and it was fate. It’s for me to realize things. It was a blessing in d–

Maya:A blessing in the skies?!

Richard:Silly! But yes, I guess it’s a blessing in disguise. Have you been hanging out with Stephanie?

Maya:Hindi ah. I was just trying to lighten up kasi, nag mo-moment ka na naman eh. Mamaya ma-iyak ka uli. Papatawa lang ba. Naisip ko lang, kung si Stephanie ang kaharap mo, yan ang sasabihin sa iyo, blessing in the skies! O, hindi ba napangiti na uli kita?

        Richard kept his smile and looked lovingly at Maya.

Richard:You are the blessing from the skies…


Richard:You are Maya. You’re a blessing from the skies. You’re an angel sent by heaven.

          Feeling a little shy and awkward, Maya covers up and wittingly answered.

 Maya:Ay alam ko na yan. Sinabi ko na yan kay Stephanie eh. Hindi ba nakwento ko yan sa ‘yo? Kaya sablay na ang punch line mo diyan kasi nga alam ko na yan.

 Richard:What are you talking about, Maya?

 Maya:Kasi nga nun sa office mo, sabi nya para raw siyang anghel na hulog ng langit. Eh sa kagaspangan ng ugali nya, d ba? nasabihan ko na hinulog siya ng langit kasi hindi siya nababagay duon. Yun.

Richard:Weren’t you listening? I didn’t say na hulog ka ng langit. You should relate what I’ve said. I said you are a blessing from the skies and I also said you’re an angel SENT by heaven.

           Richard suddenly got worried and frowns.

 Richard: Maya? Y-you’re not leaving us anytime soon, right?

Maya:Huh? What are you talking about, Richard?

Richard:Parang ganyan yung 1990s TV series na Touched by An Angel eh. This lady will appear in someone’s life and after she helps that person fix his or her life, she disappears.

Maya:Hahaha! Now you’re silly! Seriously? Nakakatawa ka naman. Anu ba? I’m REAL! You have my resume/bio data. You can check every detail of it. I have a family, a house, friends…Atty. Ryan knows me!

Richard:Okay, okay. That was silly of me. Hahaha! Ikaw kasi, the things you do to me.

           Maya didn’t know what Richard meant so she changed the topic instead.

 Maya:So, what are your plans now?


Maya:Plans. What do you plan to do with your realizations?

Richard:I don’t know. I just want to make them feel that I love them and that I am here for them. I want to reach out to them. Para hind na ako “outside the coverage area.”

Maya:Madali lang yan. Spend time with them. QuaLITY time ha. You can start tomorrow, at breakfast.

Richard:You talk like it’s that easy.

Maya:Madali lang talaga! You know, kahit 5 minutes lang yan basta you connect, super quality time na yun. Baka naman 2 hours spent with them nga pero nakalaptop ka naman tapos sila watching TV with you around lang. Poor connection yun!

          Bukas, sa breakfast, start the conversation. Ask them about their first day in school. Then everything will flow from there.

Richard:Just like that?

Maya:Yup! Just like that. Sa daldal ni Nikki? Sigurado yun, may reaction agad! Maybe you can ask Luke about basketball. Si Abby mas madali. Just praise her. Pansinin mo kung paano kumain, matutuwa na yon.

Richard:You sound like you know my kids better than I do. I guess you’ve spent so much quality time with them since you came into our family.

Maya:Hindi naman sa ganon, nagkataon lang na nabanggit ni Luke about trying out for varsity team. Pag meal time kasi with me lang, ang daldal nung dalawa. Si Nikki, you know we have something in common kaya ganun kaming dalawa.

Richard:Then I need you to back me up. You know, just in case…

Maya:Of course. Aalalayan kita. Promise.

Richard:Thank you for being an angel.

Maya:Haaaay,parang kelan lang yamot na yamot ka sa akin, now I’m an angel pala ha.

Richard:Maya –

Maya:Yeah, yeah I know. Tapos na yun. I’m just saying.

           Richard shakes his head smiling then took his coffee cup for a sip. He felt light because after a very long time, he did not shun away from his emotions and issues, but instead, braved them and has taken steps to deal with them. It was that moment of silence that Maya thought of asking him a question.

 Maya:Pwede magtanong?

           Richard looked at her with raised eyebrows, signalling her to throw the question.

Maya:Bawal ba talaga mag ingay? I mean, bawal ba gumawa ng sound? Kasi sabi nila bawal mag gitara, mag piano, patugtog ng radio, pati magtawanan ng malakas bawal?

Richard:I never said na bawal yun. They just assumed.

Maya:Eh siguro kasi, palagi ka galit at panay ka sigaw everytime na may mga ganun?

Richard:No. Nagkataon lang yun.

Maya:Talaga? So, okay lang mag-ingay?

Richard:What do you mean mag-ingay?

Maya:Yung normal na buhay, yung matawa ng malakas pag sobrang nakakatawa. Yung, magpatugtog ng music or radio once in a while, yung mag jamming sa gitara or sa piano. Sayang naman ang baby grand piano, ang ganda ng tunog, nakaka pang gigil tugtugan.

Richard:That would be fine.



Maya:No…VIOLET reaction?

Richard:Hahaha! Yes, no violeNt reaction.

Maya:Yes! Wala ng bawian yan ha! Promise?


Maya:Mamatay man mga ku–  

Richard:Kahit ilibing mo pa sila. Hahaha!

Maya:Eh talagang mamamatay nga mga yan. My gas Sir Chief! You’re still in shoes! Tignan mo oh? Hindi ka pa nagpapalit ng damit!   Ayan ka na naman, more than 12 hours mo na naman suot mga yan!

           The night’sevents sent Richard over the moon. While his smile and the sparkle in his eyes are more than enough to announce to the world the happiness in his heart, Richard felt that he could not contain his feelings to himself and wanted to shout it out, and at the same time had this uncontrollable urge of hugging someone.

He is overjoyed and thrilled realizing that tonight, he opened up, exposed his vulnerability, and allowed himself to be emotionally intimate with someone. He felt very relaxed in Maya’s company.  Everything felt so right, making him still want to hang out with her but he knew he needed to calm himself down, this time, from the natural high that Maya created. Otherwise, he might just go physical, hug her and scare her away. So he immediately called the shots.

Richard: Okay, let’s hit the sack at gabi na. Richard stood up from his seat.

           Maya followed and started to clear the table. With a naughty smile, she dared to question what Richard will really do after their talk.

Maya:Weh?! Talaga? Matutulog ka na? If I know, mag wo-work ka pa rin sa room mo.

       Still with a full smile on his face, Richard responds to Maya spontaneously, almost sounding like he was flirting.

 Richard:Haaaay Maya. Fine, because of you, I’m sure I’ll find it hard to sleep right away. So I’ll just check on the email Ryan sent me instead. Para naman hindi masayang ang effort nila ni Liza sa MOAs.

           Again, Maya didn’t know what he meant so this time, she calmly asked.

 Maya: Seriously? Eh bakit ako na naman?

Richard:W-well, uhm…ikaw naman kasi ang proximate cause of everything that transpired tonight, hindi ba? As you admitted, you taught Nikki the song, and you made me cry. Emotions are still high Maya, pinaiyak at pinatawa mo ako diba? So it’s your fault.

Maya:Ako talaga? Okay, whatever you say Sir Chief. Sabi mo eh.

           After Richard locked the sliding door, the two walk side by side with silly grins. When they reached the baby grand piano, Maya pointed it and faced Richard excitedly.

Maya:Sir Chief wala ng bawian ha!

Richard:Babawiin ko pag hindi ka tumigil sa kaka Sir Chief mo.

Maya:Ha?! Eh pano pag working hours ko na, pag class hours na namin ni Abby.

Richard:It’s beyond your working hours Maya. You know I have agreed to that. It’s an exception.

Trying to contain her joyful state, Maya made a controlled scream as she hugged Richard’s arm.

Maya:Weeeee! I’m sure matutuwa si Abby!

           Richard was grateful that Maya had Abby in mind.

 Richard:Yes, I’m sure you’ll make her happy.

        Richard just gave in to his urge. He took advantage of Maya’s proximity and embraced her. He planted a kiss on Maya’s head and whispered, “Good night Maya, and thank you for always being so thoughtful of my kids.”

        Again, Maya shivers from Richard’s move and hoped he didn’t notice it this time. She was so relieved that her mobile phone was ringing. Instantly, Maya moved away from Richard without looking and answered the call.

Maya:Hello?! …Sir James?….

Maya looked at Richard and motioned that she’ll take the call in her room. She waved and mouthed good night, then she turned her back and proceeded to her room.

Maya:…hindi naman, gising pa naman talaga ako…I’m fine. Ikaw?…talaga? may hearing ka na naman sa Taytay bukas?

          Richard could still hear her.  He felt that she’s smiling as she talks to James. With that, Richard’s face turned sour and is very very upset.




Filed under Please Be My Legal Wife