Category Archives: ER

ER – Chapter FOUR – An Unexpected Visit

A/N: Happy April Fool’s everyone! I hope you are still there to read. 🙂

Maya sat on her bed somehow disappointed, realizing it was just a dream of the past and is now confronted with the present by an unexpected guest. While she has already accepted the reality that she could not avoid Richard forever, she did not foresee that she will face him again this soon.

“Hello Doktora? Paakytin ko na lang po ba diyan ang bisita ninyo?” asked the condo receptionist.

“Ah…huwag na, pababa na rin kasi ako eh. Paki sabi na lang kay Dr. Lim paantay sandali sa lobby, salamat.”

Richard actually had a quick access to Maya’s files at the hospital and discovered among others, her age, birthday, contact number and where she’s staying. However, he was too eager to talk to Maya and mixed the numbers in his mind.

He recalled the rules set by Maya, to which he readily agreed to. Rule #1: No exchange of personal information.

“Marra, can we at least reveal our age?” Richard asked.

“No.” she firmly answered.


“That’s personal information.”

“Are you not curious how old I am?”

“No. You don’t look that old anyway.”

“But I need to know your age. You look young and –”

“Don’t worry. I’m old enough to get married without needing the consent or advice of my parents or guardians.”

“So you are at least 25.”

“I assure you, I’m at least 25. Satisfied?”

“Fine.” Richard answered but still hoping she would reveal her age.

“Uhm… am I your first girl who is much younger than you are?”


“Talaga? May ten years ba ang age gap natin?”

“Aha! Now you’re curious!”

“Eh ang daya lang kasi. You now know that I’m at least 25.”

“Okay, age gap is at least ten years. Are you okay with that?”

“Ah-ok! Sabi naman nila age does not matter when you’re in a relationship eh.”

Richard wondered if Marra would have answered the same if she knew that he is actually almost twenty years older than her. But does age not really matter when two people are in love? Did she really love him? But did she not want to marry him? Why did she leave without saying goodbye?

More than the questions he wanted to ask and the answers he needed to hear, Richard’s purpose in seeing Maya is to apologize. He put Maya at a difficult situation at internship and he realized this too late.

Maya pressed the button and sighed. She’s not ready to talk to Richard about what happened. Nonetheless, she is brave enough to see him and apologize for leaving him in Baguio abruptly. She knew too, that she needed to give him some kind of assurance because they cannot freely talk now that she is an intern at the hospital where Richard is a consultant.

Richard patiently waited to see Maya. After all, it’s what he has been hoping for. He wants to be by her side and take care of her but considering their situation, he has to find ways on how not to make things hard for Maya.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Maya searched for Richard among the people at the lobby. She was relieved to see him at the corner sofa calmly waiting without any trace of anger in his face. As she walked towards him, she noticed how he looked mature in his short sleeved polo shirt and wondered how old he really is. Their eyes finally met. Richard stood up right away and started walking but Maya stopped as thoughts of their intimate moments filled her mind.

“Marra…” he said, and moved two steps forward to close the space between them but Maya stepped backwards.

“I’m sorry.” Again, he moved two steps forward and quickly hugged her. “I’m so sorry.”

“Rich– uhm… Dr. Lim…please… ”

Richard felt Maya’s apprehension and understood what she wanted to say. He released her immediately and led her to the empty sofa. Once settled, Richard apologized. “I’m sorry about what I did in front of your co-interns. I’m sorry for being angry and all.”

Maya squeezed her hands as she gathered words in her mind. “It’s my fault. Ako ang dapat mag apologize. I’m sorry for leaving without a word. After all you’ve–”

“Marra…” Richard held her arm to stop her from saying anything further. Despite wanting to hold her in his arms, Richard withdrew his hand right away and spoke. “I’m not here to talk about that. I’m sorry for coming here so soon but I just had to come and apologize for ruining your first internship day.”

Maya bowed down to hide her face as tears started to gather in her eyes. Richard took a deep breath and slowly lifted Maya’s face. “I’m really sorry.” He said again. She saw regret in his eyes and felt the pain in his words. So, she nodded at him and tears rolled down her cheeks. He rubbed the tears and brushed the strands of hair away from her face. He pulled out his hanky and handed it to her.

After gathering herself, Maya looked at Richard but before she could even say what’s in her mind, Richard said “I do not want to ruin you first duty tonight, so I will not delay you more. Let’s talk about us and what happened some other time, okay?” Maya just nodded again with a bit of a smile this time.

With the expression Maya gave, Richard continued. “We’ll have that talk at some other place, at the proper time…when you’re ready and when your schedule permits. Just let me know, I’ll wait.”

For the last time, Maya simply nodded at Richard to acknowledge what he said. Then, Richard stood and said “Good luck on your first round of duty. Do not forget to eat, no matter what.”

With that, Richard kissed Maya on the forehead and left. Without looking back, he walked to the door with a happy heart and a smile on his face.


Filed under ER

E.R. – Chapter 2 – Confrontation and Confirmation

Note: nakita ko pa lang mga nagcomment sa pagbalik ko, kahit hindi pa nabasa,  tumalon na puso ko dahil lalo ako nasabik sa inyo.  Dahil sa kagustuhan kong makapag post agad as a way of returning your warm welcome, ito na muna ha. Pinaka madali dugtungan kasi 1 chapter lang binalikan ko.    sa susunod naman yung iba. Happy ma-traffic Saturday 🙂


Really? Since when Marra?” Richard sarcastically asked while looking intently in her eyes.


“Yan din ang tanong ko, Maya. Since when naging kayo, at since when ka pa naging Marra? So, girlfriend ka nga niya?” Eman continuously asked without thinking, while Richard stared  at Maya’s nameplate.


Maya took a deep breath and managed to respond to her friend. Ex na nga Eman eh, you see, we’re not together anymore. So, pwede? Be a friend at tumahimik ka na lang muna, please.”


No! We’re very much together. You simply left without a word but I do not remember breaking up. And….the last time we talked? You only did not agree to get married but it does not mean that it’s over between us!”  Richard argued out of spite, forgetting that there were other people around.


Just like the rest, Maya could not believe what she just heard. She was dumbfounded and confused. She could not say a word in response to Richard. Maya lost her mind seeing his handsome face and hearing the tone in his statement, not to mention the deafening silence that came with the facial expressions of her co-interns and superiors standing before her.


“Ahem.” Dr. Ryan Molina made the discreet sound to call the attention of his friend.


Dr. Buenaflor, who was also astounded for a moment, struggled to break the silence and introduced the doctors to the interns. “Ahh…interns, uhm…these are our ahh….other consults, uhm…Drs. Richard Lim, Ryan Molina and Liza Aguilos.”


Richard came to his senses and followed her lead. “I apologize Dr. Buenaflor, that was very unprofessional of me…mixing my personal life with work. I was just so surprised to see her here because obviously, she also did not tell me her internship plans.”


“Dr. Lim, things happen for a reason, including the unexpected ones. So, let’s leave it at that and move on from here. You two can deal with the matters of the heart somewhere else at some other time, not here, not now.”


“Yes, of course; some other time, somewhere.” Richard said looking at Maya, as if giving notice and warning that she has to face him sometime.


“Eh-excuse us interns…Dr. Buenaflor.” Ryan managed to push Richard away to make a smooth exit.


“Richard!” Celeste called and motioned his group to come to where she is.


“If that intern is your girlfriend, what happens to Celeste now? Does she even know about her?” Liza asked Richard.


“Whatever she wants to believe and tells you, are only conclusive to her but in no way will bind me. As far as I am concerned she does not have any role in my life and so she does not have any right to know anything about it! You should know that.” Richard snapped at his long time female friend.


“Hey! Don’t take it out on me, Lim!” Liza snapped back at him. “Kaya ka siguro inayawan eh, ang sungit mo kasi! Apparently, you also did not tell us about your girlfriend. Nakuuuu Lim! Pasalamat ka, wala si Raffi. Kainis!”


“Liza’s right, Lim. Huwag mo daanin sa init ng ulo. Kawawa tuloy yung intern kanina. You snapped at her in the presence of her superiors and co-interns, eh first day pa lang nila ngayon. To think, she’s your girlfriend…teka, t-talaga ba brod? ” Ryan tried to squeeze out some information.


“Sorry. Let’s not talk about this now.” Richard apologized immediately. He glanced at Maya one more time before proceeding to the other side of the room.


Maya looked pale and distraught. She could not believe what just happened on the first hour of her first day of internship. “Are you okay, Dr. dela Rosa?” Dr. Buenaflor asked out of concern.


“Y-yes Ma’am, I am.” Maya forced her answer to come out with a smile.


“Are you sure? You look pale.” Dr. Buenaflor informed her, aware of what Maya could be thinking and feeling after the public confrontation.


Thankful that she’s under the supervision of a seemingly kind and understanding doctor, she thought she owes her the highest degree of professionalism and instantly regained her rational self from an emotional one. She took a deep breath and answered. “Yes Ma’am, thank you po. I guess, I was not prepared for that. Pero sabi nyo nga po, things happen even the unexpected ones, so I shall move on from it and promise to be more professional Ma’am. I’m very sorry for the disturbance.”


Admittedly, Dr. Buenaflor was impressed with the kind of composure and attitude Maya exhibited at the time of an awkward incident and immediately thereafter. If it were another girl, she probably would have retorted, shed tears or walked out. But Maya chose to remain quiet instead of asserting herself even at the moment of an unnecessary humiliation. More importantly, she quickly regained control of her situation by moving forward yet undeterred, especially on how her co-interns would take it.


“That’s good to hear from you.” Dr. Buenaflor acknowledged Maya and then addressed the group. “Today is just the beginning of your internship program. I must say, with the training that you will undergo, you’ll be surprised to find here friendships that will last a lifetime. So, be a friend to everyone instead of a burden, be an ally instead of an enemy, because you will need each other to survive the internship.”


“Along that line, let us all be mature and professional and put aside what you witnessed a while ago, as if it didn’t happen. Anyway it will not affect your grades, or Dr. Dela Rosa’s grades. In other words, let us learn to respect each other’s privacy. Do you understand what I’m saying?”


All in the group answered. “Yes, Dr. Buenaflor/Ma’am.”



Over the next couple of hours, Maya saturated herself with the work given to her, which was mostly clerical. She worked quietly but efficiently. At noontime, she was allowed to go home to prepare for her first duty scheduled at 9:00 pm – 6:00 am the next day.


Maya walked her way home but decided to stop by the coffee shop near her condo. While appetite is low, she has to eat something for her lunch so she chose a sandwich and a Frappuccino to go with it.


“One Tomato Mozzarella and Basil bread with grande Mocha Frappuccino to go for Ms. Maya!” called out by the barista.


Upon hearing the now familiar name, Richard immediately looked and saw Maya approaching the counter to get her take out. Seeing her blank sad face as she walked to the door pained his heart. It was the same facial expression she had the first time he met her. “Sometime somewhere Richard, not now.” he said to himself mentally. He was with some other doctors anyway and so he just watched her walk until she disappeared from his sight.



After taking her lunch, Maya went to the nearest mall to shop for toiletries and other essentials for her quarters at the hospital’s call room. She still felt lucky to have the chance to do this the earliest possible time so she could bring them to the call room, and still have time to relax and adjust before her duty. After shopping, she immediately went back to the hospital and reported to the call room where some of the interns have already settled. She was told she could still choose her bed so as soon as she found a good spot, she placed some of her books, her overnight bag and bed sheet set on the bed to reserve it. She also put a lock on the assigned locker nearby.


While Maya found the hospital call room comfortable and homey, the air conditioning system was too cold for her. So, since she did not bring any thick blanket with her, she decided to rest in her condo instead so she can also have a leisure bath.


Maya was on her bed staring at the TV while the public confrontation repeatedly played in her mind. She realized that while she could avoid Richard for now, she cannot do so forever and sometime soon, she will have to face him again.




Filed under ER

E.R. – Chapter 1 – The Surprise

A/N: Yes, I know you’re expecting an update for PBMLW or MaMS, or even for BCWMH Extended. But there are so many stories lined up in my laptop and I felt that I should at least, release one chapter for one of those stories, so that I’ll be forced to write more updates for the other current stories so I can finish one soon.

Honestly, para po kasing ayaw ko matapos ang stories eh, hahaha. But of course each story has to end. I just do not know which between PBMLW and MaMS will end first. I will make an update for each soon

Anyway, I hope you’ll like this one and keep you entertained while I am still working on the updates for PBMLW and MaMS.

ER – Chapter ONE

The Surprise

She opened her eyes to the bright sunlight that inched through the thin space left uncovered by the brown curtain of the bedroom. She blinked a few times, waiting for her brains to function. So, anu naman ang pagkaka abalahan mo today? She asked herself silently. For the past weeks, she was busy traveling to and from Batangas, Cavite and Makati and has lost her sense of time. Soon after she gained full consciousness, she panicked. “Oh shit! Late na ‘ko!!!”

She immediately looked at the clock and was a little relieved to find that there is still about a little more than an hour to make it on time. She was also thankful that she lives by the “do what you can do today and not leave it for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come” principle and prepared her clothes and things last night. Today is a very important day and she hopes that everything will turn out okay. She reached for the MP3 player on her bedside table and pressed some buttons a few times. She got up and headed towards the bathroom door. “Today is the beginning of the best days of my life.”

About fifteen minutes later, she came out of the bathroom singing along the song that’s been repeatedly playing in the room. “This ♪ is gonna be ♫ the best day of my ♪ life…” All pumped up for the day, she moved around fast, excited and apprehensive of what’s to come.

She went outside to grab something from the kitchen so she can eat breakfast while drying her hair. She learned the value of time and became a multitasker, often doing two or more things at the same time ever since THE day she was told that she has cancer.

Back in the bedroom, she sat in front of the electric fan, turned on the hair dryer she was holding with her left hand and positioned it a few inches away from her head. She then took a big bite of the peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich she made and began to run her right fingers through her hair to speed up the drying process. In her mind, she wondered about the people she will meet and be working with, and what will it be like. Although she’s apprehensive, she felt secured that some of her schoolmates and former housemates will also be there.

Finally dry, she took some mousse and massaged it though her hair then let the drier blow some hot air against it for a few seconds. Satisfied with the scraggly-scruffy look, she carefully combed the strands and neatly tied it in a ponytail. “Done and ready to go!” she said aloud and put on her blazer as the final step before leaving. Then, she stood before the full mirror located on the wall of the ante room to see if she looks presentable. She smiled and noticed something. “Ang putla mo naman.” she said to herself again.

She rushed to her dresser and took the cheek tint. “Wearing make-up is allowed”, she thought. Since she’s scared to overdo it, she just dabbed some tint on both cheeks and spread it with her fingers. She chose a light pink shade lipstick and put some as well. She went back to the full mirror and smiled at herself. “You’re okay, girl! Just make it happen…live your life to the fullest, live your dream!”

Now out of the condominium building, she looked ahead and stared at the facade of the all-too-familiar building where she is supposed to be at 8:00 a.m. Instinctively, she glanced at her wristwatch and suddenly felt blood rushing through her veins. “10 minutes left?!

Wearing her most comfortable shoes, she walked swiftly through the crowded sidewalks, by-passing others who were taking their time. “Excuse me po, salamat.” “Pa over take po ha.” “Pasensha na po, nagmamadali lang.”

When she finally reached the main entrance, her heart was pounding loud and fast, hands cold, and a little sweaty. She took a deep breath and released it with a big “Wah!” “This is it. Help me God.” She took out her name plate and tried to pin it on her blazer while she ran to the designated area.

She immediately saw Emmanuel Castro, her classmate and former housemate motioning her to move faster, pointing to a record book. “Where have you been? Kanina ka pa namin kinokontak ni Jam. We were worried about you.”

“Hoy Ma. Aurora dela Rosa, tulala ka pa jan, bilis na log-in na muna! Bilis 7:57 na! Mamaya na mag explain diyan sa feeling ex-future mo!” Katrina Eunisse Ramos, her other classmate/former housemate intervened.

“Not funny Katniss!” Emmanuel replied.

Still catching her breath and feeling a little disoriented, she answered “Ah…okay! Nag simula na ba? Technically hindi pa naman ako late diba?” she asked. “Kayong dalawa ha, pwede ceasefire muna kayo? Lalo akong nalulula eh. This is our first day, wala munang aberya.” She forged on while she signed her name in the attendance log book.

“Ano ba naging aberya mo Maya at ngayon ka lang ha?” Jam Sunga, her closest of her former housemates, asked.

“Wala naman, late lang nagising. I had a hard time sleeping last night, kahit napagod nako from unpacking my boxes. Hindi ko na nga natapos because I wanted to sleep early. Eh ang kulit lang ng utak ko, ang dami ng tumatakbo sa utak ko eh. ” Maya directly informed her friends while they walked towards the designated area.

“Sorry we couldn’t be there to help you.” Emmanuel said.

“Okay lang, I’m almost done unpacking my things, and I’m almost settled. Besides, pare pareho naman tayong may mga pinagkaka-abalahan eh.” Maya assured her friends.

“Oo nga, in fact we need a get together soon. As in now, today, later.” Katniss suggested.

“On that note, I agree with you.” Emmanuel gave Katniss a high five while they walked side by side.

Jam moved to get closer to Maya and said in a soft voice. “I’m sure you were thinking about THE day you were diagnosed….or at least it was one of those in your mind last night.”

“Of course Jam, I will always be reminded of that day. My life changed since then.” Maya confirmed.

The room was already full of interns when they reached it. “OMG ang cute niya!” Jam declared in a very soft voice.

“Cute agad? Akala ko ba distraction causes you to malfunction. Distraction lang ang lalaki.” Maya reminded her friend.

“But a distraction can also be a source of inspiration.” Jam countered Maya.

“Oh yeah? Sige lang, first day natin ngayon, bahala ka ma-distract, first impression usually lasts. Mag concentrate ka kaya muna because briefing is about to start.” Maya insisted and elbowed Jam on the side. By that time, a group of doctors all clad in white blazers, some with stethoscopes around their necks, entered the room with a pleasantly looking old man on the lead.

“Good morning doctors! I’m Dr. Antonio Garcia, Head of the Medical Education and Training Department of this hospital.” A soft buzzing sound was heard from the interns.

Dr. Garcia paused and waited until he got the attention of the interns and the buzzing sound stopped “I know its music to your ears to be addressed as doctors, interns. You’ve earned the title when you graduated from your respective med schools, so you better get used to it. Look at those smiling faces. Let us see if you’ll have the same faces the moment your internship program starts after this briefing.”

“Of course you very well know that this post-graduate training program of MC Hospital is a 12 month full time disciplinary internship which includes rotations in various clinical specialties. This is your second year of technical training before you take the board exams. If you survived your first year of technical training during your clerkship, there should be no reason for you not to survive this one.”

“So, good luck interns and welcome to MC Hospital. I will leave you now and give the floor to Dr. Jennifer Cassandra, our Director of the Internship Training Program.”

Just like the other interns, Maya was left speechless with mixed emotions within her. She looked at Dr. Cassandra and felt comforted when the lady doctor smiled before she opened her mouth. “Good morning interns. Remember this face, remember my name. Why? My position as Director of the Internship Program says it all.”

Dr. Cassandra continued with her briefing. “Unlike in other hospitals that accept more than 100 interns, you know that in this hospital, we only accept a maximum of fifty for the program. We meticulously screen and choose from the many applicants based on the panel interviews and academic performances in your respective medschools. No one gets accepted because of affiliation or connections, and this is only one of the reasons why the internship program of this hospital is so prestigious. But for this batch, only forty five applicants met our standards. You’re the elite 45.”

The interns felt elated with the last statement of Dr. Cassandra. Each felt proud that they belong to that elite group of forty five. Then the lady doctor warned them. “Beware though interns. This hospital is not a teaching institution for you. You are on your own. We have monthly reviews and mock board exams after but the continued learning is all up to you. Well, I can assure you that our residents and consultants will assist and help if you ask. Unli-tanungan naman yun. Magtuturo naman sila if needed and asked. So, you should also familiarize yourself with their names and faces.” She gestured her hand to the other doctors in the room.

“There’s Dr. Regina Buenaflor – OB Gyne consultant, Dr. Tim Gonzaga –Pediatricts consultant, parating pa lang yung iba eh. Oh here’s Dr. Katrina Ruiz and Dr. Martin Dabes, two of our residents and Dr. Celeste Madrigal, senior resident. Marami pa sila and you’ll all meet them during your rotations.”

Katniss leaned forward a little and discreetly warned Emmanuel. “Eman, mukhang maldita yung Madrigal, ingat ka.”

“Oo nga pero mas makapal ang kilay ko sa kanya!” Emmanuel retorted.

“After the training program, a certificate of completion shall be given to all those who garnered at least a satisfactory performance rating, duly signed by me, Dr. Garcia, and the President/Chief Executive Officer of this hospital.” Dr. Cassandra then pointed to the white board. “Those are the list of your names with corresponding first rotation assignments. Go find your name and group together to get acquainted with each other. You’ll have enough time to get to know each other later. For now, limit it within your group. Okay, go find your names now.”

Instantly, the interns stood up and walked towards the white board. While the interns are still busy, Dr. Cassandra remembered something she missed out. “Oh by the way, the call room at the 8th floor is for your use exclusively so the responsibility is yours alone too. It will be your second home. You’ll have your acquaintance party there later and you will elect your officers there too.”

After finding their names and assignments, one by one, the interns walked to the designated areas for each specialty. Maya was glad that her first rotation assignment is in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The bonus part is, Eman has the same assignment. Jam and Katniss were assigned together in Pediatrics. As there are 9 specialty areas, each group has 5 interns. The Pediatrics and OB-Gyne groups were standing next to each other, busy getting to know each member within their group.

“Hi! I’m Czerina Tamayo, from UST.”

“Rolyn Labor. Call me Luli, UST rin.”

“Hello, Czerina and Luli. Ako naman si Maya dela Rosa, from De La Salle-EAC.”

“Emmanuel Castro, classmates kami ni Maya.”

“From UERM naman ako, Rocsan Borillo”

“Buti na lang dito ako na assign, parang ang bait ni Dr. Buenaflor eh.” Luli said.

“Luli, pareho tayo ng naisip.” Maya revealed.

“Pero yung sa Pediatrics, mukhang okay din kasi parang komiko eh.” Czerina shared her observation.

“Good morning doctors! So, you are the first group for Obstetrics and Gynecology.” Dr. Buenaflor greeted the group in a sweet and calm voice. She asked each of the members for their names and some little information. Dr. Buenaflor was in the middle of her briefing, when a number of consultants and residents entered the room and passed by her side.

“Marra?” Maya was surprised to hear someone calling her by that name but instinctively responded and looked up. She was even more surprised to see the face of the person.

“R-richard?” Maya’s face turned pale and shivered upon seeing Richard.

“You know each other, Dr. Lim, Dr. Dela Rosa,?” Dr. Buenflor asked.

“Yes!” Richard answered quickly, and continued. “She’s my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Eman echoed. In a much controlled voice, Eman asked Maya. “Kelan at paano? And Marra?”

Dr. Buenaflor looked at Maya to confirm. So Maya was forced to give an answer. “Ah, Dr. Buenaflor, ex-girlfriend na po Ma’am.”

PS: First, I am a lawyer and while I enjoy the smell of hospitals, I have issues with injuries and blood so it was never my dream to be a doctor, and I can never be one. My orientation of medical internship came from countless chit chats I had with my closest relative who went to medschool, underwent internship program but never pursued the medical career she thought she always wanted. She’s now a teacher in another country and she might find it weird and annoying if I will ask her to explain to me the intricate world of medical internship when it has nothing to do with me.

So, I am writing this story in the simplest way I can, which means, it may not be as accurate as it should be just as how it is in actual life. Consequently, medical terms and organizational structure of hospital and internship program in this story might not even be close to reality.

What the heck. This is fanfic in the first place and that is the beauty of it because after all, we look for positive vibes and kilig moments of Richard and Maya.

If you find anything wrong, please feel free to get my attention so I can adjust and correct the errors to make the story better. Thank you!


Filed under ER