Breaking the Ice

Dear world,

It’s almost 5 in the morning and soon, the rest of the house will be awake.  Here I am, glued to my seat since past 12 midnight, when I suddenly woke up in panic with the realization that I have a deadline to meet today.

Its been raining since yesterday and the sound of the pouring rain outside and the feel of the cold sheets of my bed and pillows made it difficult to move.  Instead, I snuggled under the comforter and closed my eyes.  But then, my mind won’t let me sleep.  Not with a deadline to meet!  I stretched my body, heaved a sigh, then finally sit up to see the thick folder resting on top of the coffee table.

Oh what the heck! It’s just another simple case, so researching and writing my legal opinion should be easy and fast. I will not fail my dear boss.  Surely, my boss will approve and adopt my work.  So I got up, took the case folder and went down to the study.  

I opened my laptop, went to MS Word, typed the case caption on the first page of the newly opened  blank document, and saved the case title.  That was easy and fast!

That was five hours ago.  After failed attempts to start with my draft, I thought that maybe, I am getting bored writing about legal matters. Maybe it’s about time that I write about something else…….maybe I should break the ice …….


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